Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Helping Haiti

I'm sure you have all heard by now about the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti yesterday. After the 7.0 earthquake, Haiti was still subjected to more than two dozen after shocks, some measuring as high as 4.0 - 5.0. I hope that those of you who have family and friends there have been able to reach them. My thoughts and prayers go out to those who are directly or indirectly experiencing the effects of this "natural" disaster.

I'm calling on each and every one of you to help in whichever way you can. If that help is by donations of clothing or other items needed, so be it; if that help is monetary, so be it; if that help is in the form of prayers, so be it. The Haitian community needs your help!

I'm posting a couple links that I've heard about that are taking donations of all sorts:

You can also use your cell phones to make monetary donations. I texted the word "Haiti" to 90999 and $10 will be charged to my cell phone bill. Those $10 will go to the Red Cross for Haiti relief efforts. That's one way. There's another way:

"Those looking to send donations to Jean's YELE Fund should text YELE to 501501 in order to donate $5, which will be directly billed to your cell phone. Each text results in the $5 charge. Ninety cents of every dollar goes directly to the people of Haiti." (Taken from Channel 7 News).

The local TV stations also have information on how you can help. If you know of any other websites or locations that are taking donations, let me/us know by either posting on your blog or by commenting here.

All we have to do is turn on the news or look online to understand the magnitude of the destruction caused by this quake. Countless families have been affected. We can and should do something to help. I hope you will.


  1. I have posted on my blog on the assigned topics is that ok.

  2. My friends and I organized a fund raising last Saturday on my b-day and the people was so generous.
