Saturday, November 27, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1

I finally watched it and it was disappointing. I liked it, sure, but I wasn't wowed. I'll be writing a longer, more detailed review in my personal blog once I get some sleep, but, in a nutshell, I was not impressed. Though I know the movies will never be the same as the books, and usually, the book is way better than the movie, I was expecting a certain faithfulness to the order of events, scenes, and characters. This first part of the two-part finale fell short (in my humble opinion) of what the storyline offered. It felt rushed (possibly because they crammed two-thirds of the book into the first part (almost three hours). The scenes felt choppy, unfinished; before I was finished figuring out what was going on in one, the next one happened. It's like they had to get all this stuff in so they jumped around.

Some things worked (like the shortening of the beginning, before the trio leaves - it worked for me) but some things didn't (the whole added dance scene in the forest after Ron leaves - eh. Didn't work for me AT ALL). But that's movie-making.

But again, I will be writing a more detailed review, in case anyone's interested. :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Behind the Scenes: The Score"

This is for all you music enthusiasts. In films, music is as important as the characters; in fact, it can be said that music is a character.

Cafe Attack in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

After today's class discussion, I looked it up and here it is: A sneak peak of the "Cafe Attack" scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1. Anyone pick up on the differences from the book? It's maddening!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Since I haven't done this in a while, here's an assigned topic:

What movie have you recently seen that you absolutely loved? Why? What was so great about it? If you can't think of one you loved, you can write about a movie you hated, and why.

REMINDER: Blogs Count

I know I haven't been keeping up with the blogging as well as I should. The requirement, however, remains: Blogging is part of your grade! You need one blog post per week, for a total of 15, to earn credit.

I'm just sayin'.

Miscellaneous Madness

Keeping up with five blogs is exhausting, and a much harder job than I anticipated. Poor excuse, perhaps, but eh, it's all I've got right now.

I spent the latter part of last week, and the weekend, in Sanibel, attending the Sanibel Island Writer's Conference. It was much needed, and while I didn't get the grading I expected, I did write and I did get my writing critiqued. It was a break I needed. I'm blogging about the experience here.

Registration for winter term is also here. The last few weeks were spent working the winter term Learning Communities schedule. It's finally complete and I'll be updating the LC blog soon. I never got a chance to blog about the Celebrating Success in Learning Communities Luncheon and Percussion Workshop, which was fabulous. I hope to be doing that soon, and maybe I'll even include some pics from the event. This'll all be on the LC blog.

I hope everyone's hanging on tight; this semester's almost over and it's sure to be a bumpy ride!