Sunday, February 15, 2009

The adventures of the ER continue...

As you all know from my previous post, my husband's in the hospital. Well, last night I decided to come home to get some rest because what good am I to anyone if I get sick as well. It was a good thought, and I actually believe there was a higher power in making me take that decision. At 2:15 am my mom came frantic to my room with the baby in her arms because he was dry-heaving. She thought he couldn't breathe and was choking; he was actually throwing up massively. In her panic, and in me trying to calm her down and shake off my drowsiness, I grabbed the baby, but as I walked with him towards the room to assess the situation, I slipped on his vomit on the floor and took a nasty fall. Thankfully, I was able to spare L any of the impact; I am now wearing a nice multi-colored bruise on my leg and a small scrape on my arm. Badges of courage.

Anyway, after that scare, L was still throwing up periodically, so I called the doctor's answering service. I had to call THREE TIMES to finally get a call back almost TWO HOURS LATER! I was livid, and you better believe the office is going to hear about that! I was thisclose to calling 911, although I knew it really wasn't that much of an emergency - but he wouldn't stop throwing up. Once they finally called me, around 4ish in the morning, I was told to take him to the ER. Great. So my mom and I gathered everything, Tupperware container and paper towels included, and headed to the nearest children's ER. Well, as if that wasn't bad enough, as soon as we stepped out, we were blanketed by a dense cover of fog. I could barely see five feet in front of me! Driving in that kind of fog at those wee hours of the morning on a Sun morning was not my idea of a fun drive at all. If I don't have to do that ever again, I'll be quite happy. But we made it, in one piece, and five hours later, a couple more sessions of vomit, and a shot to stop the vomiting, we were discharged. He was diagnosed with some sort of stomach virus, and we were told of the lovely possibility of Mr. Diarrhea coming to join Ms. Vomit. Lovely.

I am thankful, though, that the chain of events happened the way they did. If I had not decided to come home to sleep, if L hadn't woken up earlier and my mom hadn't put him in bed with her, the outcome could've been a lot scarier. L didn't start throwing up until my mom picked him up. If he'd remained laying down, he could've choked - a VERY scary thought for me...

SO yes, my weekend has been so much fun. What a wonderful way to spend V-day weekend.


  1. oh that sucks!!!
    I have a 10 year old and have been down that road many times. its not a good feeling to have to leave your house at any time of the day or night in all types of weather to the ER. the worst part is that sometimes it is so full you dont get seen right away and have to wait for hours. (i know what you're going through) I hope they are both doing better. I know its tough when one of your loved ones is sick and you have the pressure of work.

  2. WOW! I can imagine how scarey that must have been. I remember having this similar conversation like a week ago. Losing my niece to SIDS was devestating. I am so happy that every is well and that it was nothing too serious!

  3. WOW! What a wonderful Vday just like you said. I just pray that all is well and that they get better (=

  4. Wow! I am sorry to hear all of those events happened, but look on the bright side... it was only a stomach virus. I'm glad nothing more serious happened to him. Your family is still in my prayers! Oh, and of course, I hope you feel better as well! Take care!
