Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spring Break is Here!

Okay, so it's been here for the last few days, but only now do I get to blog about it. I have to say that I think teachers look forward to Spring Break just as much as students do! It's either a chance to get away and take a much needed break in between a semester or the chance to play catch up with grading and school stuff. For me, it's the latter. I have been growing very acquainted with Grademark, a grading software from turnitin.com that allows me to grade papers online, with comments and symbols just as if I were writing on the actual paper. That allows you guys to see your essays and grades as soon as I finish your essay; you wouldn't have to wait until I finish everyone's paper. Of course, it's purely online and I'm new to it, so I'm still working out glitches and working on speeding the process, but so far I like it.

Other than that, I'm still nursing my son back to health. Thank goodness it's Spring Break because otherwise I'd be having to take time off! He went back to daycare 3 days last week only to get sick, again. This time, his ear infection from last week did not respond to antibiotics and got worse. He also got another cold which developed into croup. Ironically, I remember talking about croup recently to one of you. :) It really does sound like a barking seal! As a result of being out part of last week and now this week, he missed his class pictures. :( I know it's silly, but I was looking forward to getting a picture of him with all his little friends from school. We missed it last year because he hadn't started yet, so I was eagerly anticipating this year's class pictures (and anyone that knows me knows that I am a sucker for pictures). Stinks.

I am, though, getting tired of walking into daycare only to find kids with green boogers hanging out because that means my son is going to get sick. There's supposed to be a "sick policy" in place but that doesn't seem to be getting upheld. In the meantime, my mom, my husband, my mother-in-law and I (in a new job!) are all having to take time off over a month and a half period because of him being sick. If my son is sick I don't want him a) getting other kids sick and b) getting worse. Sigh. That's part of life in daycare.

Well, I hope you are all enjoying your time off. Hopefully, you can actually enjoy the break and do something fun. If not, well, at least enjoy having some time off from going to classes. ;)

See you all next week!


  1. my mother is a teacher and i see how much techers need a break more than the students.....have a great break!!

  2. It was nice to have a break. It wasn't much of a break for me, I still had to work. Our spring break doesn't start until April. Anyway, it was nice not to have to rush out of work to make it with about 1 minute to get to class. My son had strep throat last week and then I got a bad cold and sore throat. Look at the bright side, by the time your son gets into Kindergarden, he probably will have built up his immune system and won't be out sick. I hope your son is feeling better by now!

  3. So sorry to hear about your son. I hope he is better. And about those pictures there is always next year! You really seemed like you needed a break. When we got back on Monday you seemed alot more energized and awake. Glad to see your back to normal!

  4. thats good that you are one of those parents that dont send their kids to school sick. i am a swim instructor and parents bring their sick kids for lessons all the time. not only is the cold water going to make things worse but they also get me sick.
