Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This is a topic for all classes.

In ENC 1101 (Blended), one of the upcoming sections that we'll be discussing in the Remix books is titled "Nature." In this section, we'll be reading an interesting essay by Michael Pollan, "In Defense of Food." It just so happens that Mr. Pollan appeared on Oprah recently.

Here's a clip.

It's fascinating as it elaborates from the essay, and it really makes us think about what we're feeding ourselves.

For this blog topic, check out the clip and then tell me two things (in a paragraph or two):

1) What did you find most surprising? Why?

2) What do you consume on a regular basis that is an "edible food-like substance"?


  1. what I found very surprising is that Mr. Pollen told us to follow rules about food and the one that I liked was rule #3 "eat only foods that eventually will rot". Yes there are so many foods out there that won't go bad for a long time. It is really hard to stay away from foods that you are use to eating. How do you know what foods are good to eat. I can't believe that there are so many foods that are bad for you.

    What do I consume everyday well Iam not very happy with what I eat. I don't know what foods are edible food like products. Maybe like Chk Patties. or foods that I eat alot are the frozen dinners.
