Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1st Blog Assignment - ALL Classes

Well, the first week of the new semester is well under way, and I thought I'd post here the first "Blog Assignment" as well as some extra info about the blog. This will be true for all my classes, which means that all of you should have your blogs set up and emailed to me by Sunday. You can go through your Blackboard account, or go to, and click "Create Your Account." Once you have your account, log in to Blackboard and then using the course email, send me an email with your Blog URL in the message. The URL will be found on the top of the screen, where you would type in a web address, and it will be in the following format: (replace "yourblogname" with your actual blog name). The easiest thing to do is to copy and paste the URL. Once I receive the blogs, I will link them to the main blog (this one), and you will be able to view and comment on your classmates' blogs.

As for the first blog assignment, blog about something you did this summer. We'll start off slow, so it can just be a few sentences, but you're welcome to blog a few paragraphs if you'd like!


  1. i did my summer blog, do you get a notice that i did it, or do i send you a link so you can see it?

    Karla Rivera (la vida de karla milena)
    ENC 1101 tues/thurs 11am-12:30pm

  2. Hi! Once you post, it automatically updates in your blog, which means that I can see it and you don't have to resend me anything. Also, I strongly suggest not to put any specific information here on the public blog - it's public! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hey i posted mine and it's not showing up.
