Monday, September 14, 2009

This week's topic - ALL CLASSES

Last Friday, we remembered the events of September 11, 2001. It was a moment in our recent history that most of us remember vividly. So, as Alan Jackson's song says, "where were you when the world stopped turning?" Narrate in at least a paragraph what you were doing the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. Where were you? What went through your mind at that moment? We don't need to get into inflammatory remarks as the aftermath took shape and we got shreds of information. What I want to know is, at that precise moment when the events took place, where were you?

At the time, I was working at the FIU Police Department as a secretary. When we heard the news, I can't remember how we heard, just that suddenly we all knew something big was happening, we crowded around a small, battery-operated television set and watched in disbelief. Both towers had already been hit, but none of us imagined that those towers would crumble. When they did, we probably sat with our mouths gaping, tears in our eyes, and images of people jumping from the windows ingrained in our minds. Somewhere in between, we got news about the Pentagon and the plane that crashed in an open field in Pennsylvania. The rest of that day remains a jumble of chaos and memories as most of us left early to go home, just in case.

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