Friday, November 13, 2009

Can I Scream?

Can I yell, clenching my fists and waving them like a madwoman? Can I groan, covering my face with my hands in hopes that all goes away? Can I wail and stomp my feet like a frustrated toddler? Can I bury my head in the sand like an ostrich, theoretically of course since ostriches don't really bury their heads in sand.

Why, you ask, do I seem frustrated and angry? I'll tell you why. I'm so sick (pardon the pun - not quite intended) of the flu season! I admit we've been lucky that we haven't been hit (yet) with the actual flu (H1N1 or regular), but it seems as if it's been just as bad. My son is sick AGAIN. He woke up this morning with a barking cough, a runny nose, and a slight fever. This time the lovely culprit is croup (which is really just the name of the symptom caused by one of those wonderful things we call viruses). I mean, seriously? C'mon! He was sick last week with an ear infection and a cold (and I got sick thanks to that). A month before that, he had another ear infection, small cold, and a really nasty case of hand-foot-mouth disease. Oh, and did I mention that his nails are falling off? Yes, that's right. On his hands, one has fallen off completely; another is half-way off. I discovered two more nails that are starting to peel, and I see signs of the same on his toes. We're going to see a dermatologist tomorrow morning.

Today when we went to the doctor's office, one of the nurses saw him and, eyes widening, said, "Now what?!" We've been there three times in the last two weeks. ARGH! I don't want to get sick again, so I've been doubling up with vitamin C, zinc, B-complex and all natural stuff. But I feel awful for my munchkin. It seems as if it's been one thing after another. I'm ready for this flu season to be over. Wake me up when it's done, please.


  1. Feel better soon. Everything is going to be OK!!

  2. I'm sorry to hear that Professor. I know your son will get better.

  3. Very sorry to hear that. It seems to be going around everywhere.I'm sure he will be just fine very soon.

  4. Screaming play a big factor in my household. My son is now 14 months and i try not to yell so much so belive me I Know its frustrating
