Saturday, February 6, 2010

Under the Weather

I always wonder about that phrase: under the weather (as in - I'm sick, sniffly, not feeling well). It's a funny phrase, I think. Well, I'm definitely under that weather pattern. My head feels clouded - with what, I don't know, but it's clouded. My eyes ache and feel sunk in. I've sneezed a bit more often than what I'm comfortable. My throat stings some. And I'm irritable - very irritable. These are all the tell-tale signs of impending cold. Ironically, my son hasn't had a cold, although he does have a double ear infection (found on Thursday) for the third time in a month and a week.

I know I shouldn't complain. It's not the flu -and those of you that have had the flu are probably wishing to wring my neck through the computer screen because I have the audacity to complain abut a measly cold. Believe me, I count my blessings. I just have so much to do that this really slows me down.

I'm hoping a good night's rest will have me feeling all better in the morning - that and the double (or was it triple) doses of vitamin C, the zinc and echinacea has to help!


  1. omg, I am feeling the SAME way! I started feeling really sick yesterday, with the sneezing, sunken eyes, clouded head, etc. It must be all this wet weather. Ironically, my son hasn't had a cold recently either and I REALLY hope he doesn't catch it from me (we all know how fun sick babies are...NOT) I hope you feel better!

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  3. Chicken soup, vitamin C, a lot of rest, and you will feel better in no time. Take care.

  4. I know how it is, I am currently in bed with a cold. Thank God for online homework! When I have a cold my mother makes a chicken broth soup with loads of cilantro that always makes me feel better. Staying in bed and resting is also a must! Get well soon!
